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In Photo: Fishermen unload at the Binangonan Fish Port their catch of knife fish, an invasive fish species, considered as pest by many fishermen in the Laguna de Bay: PAMALAKAYA |
Fish biodiversity under siege
By Jonathan L. Mayuga
Published in the Business Mirror, January 25, 2016
THE board of directors of the Laguna Lake
Development Authority (LLDA) approved the 2016-2026 Laguna de Bay
Masterplan on December 15, 2015, setting key development directions for
the sustainable management of the country’s largest freshwater lake.
The updated master plan sets new development strategies,
directions and goals, including a commitment to increase annual
fisheries production by 10 percent, while pursuing various projects and
activities that will benefit stakeholders in the Laguna de Bay region.
Laguna de Bay remains as one of the
biggest aquaculture hub in the country, supplying 70 percent of Metro
Manila’s daily fish requirement, particularly bangus (milkfish) and tilapia.
In the 1990s, because of the popularity of
aquaculture, the number of fish cage and fish pens in Laguna de Bay grew
exponentially, with over 15,000 hectares of the lake area having been
dedicated to bangus and tilapia production, exceeding the lake’s carrying capacity.
Cesar R. Quintos, head of the LLDA’s Policy Planning and
Information Management Division, said part of the plan is to increase
fisheries production, a commitment made by the LLDA to the Governance
Commission for Government-Owned and -Controlled Corporations, to ensure a
steady supply and stabilize fish prices in Metro Manila, the country’s
capital region and home to 12 million Filipinos. This
will require strict implementation of the LLDA’s zoning plan to limit
the number of fish cages and fish pens within the lake’s carrying
capacity, or approximately 10 percent of the lake’s surface, allowing
small fishermen to have more fishing ground to cover during fishing
expedition in open waters while maximizing space for aquaculture
The proliferation of fish cages and fish pens, the
unbridled development and urbanization of areas around the lake,
indiscriminate dumping of garbage and disposal of untreated wastewater
in rivers that drain to the lake, have been choking the lake for
Nevertheless, Laguna de Bay continues to serve one of its most important economic function—fisheries production.
Threat from invasive alien species
Lately, however, small fishermen,
including those engaged in aquaculture, are fretting about huge
production losses as the Laguna de Bay faces another very serious
threat: the proliferation of invasive alien species (IAS).
Romy Antazo, a resident of Cardona, Rizal, and
secretary-general of the Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng
Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), a network of organizations of small fishermen,
said fish catch in the lake shrunk over the past three years. He blames
it on the knife-fish infestation and the failure of concerned government
agencies to address the problem.
He said instead of native fish, fishermen
like him are catching knife fish, which has low commercial value. Knife
fish is sold at P20 a kilo in the market. Even with its low price,
however, consumers tend to buy other known native fish species, which
costs an average of P120 a kilo. Also a fish-cage operator, Antazo said bangus and tilapia production is also affected by the knife fish. Knife fish, which grows in fish cages and fish pens, prey on bangus and tilapia.
“Out of 10,000 bangus fingerlings,
sometimes we could only harvest 3,000 at the end of the season. This is
a big blow to those with limited capital,” he said. Antazo added that
said he receives reports about the hardship experienced by small
fishermen who depend on the lake’s bounty for several years now.
A number of IAS have been reported to
invade the lake in the past, including the janitor fish and Chinese
soft-shelled turtle. The continuing proliferation of the dreaded knife
fish in the lake, however, is now considered a major challenge by
concerned government agencies as it threatens the lake’s biodiversity
and challenges the lake’s economic productivity.
First reported in 2012, the Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) suspects that knife-fish
infestation started with the accidental release by hobbyists in the
river that drains to the Laguna de Bay. The fish eventually found its
way into the lake, where it now thrives and threaten to render other
native fishes extinct.
Because of its feeding habit, the carnivorous fish grows faster than any other fish species in the lake.
A study conducted on knife fish by the
BFAR revealed that for every kilogram (kg) increase in weight or growth
of knife fish, it consumes about 7 kg of native fish. Besides smaller
fishes, it also feeds on the eggs of other fish species.
Knife fish reproduces faster and, by sheer number alone, it threatens to render other native fish species in the lake extinct.
The negative effect of the knife fish
infestation to the livelihood of small fishermen is enormous. But more
daunting is the thought that some of the better-tasting and commercially
viable native fish, such as biya, ayungin, itang and gurami are threatened to be wiped out in the lake.
“We seldom catch native fishes anymore. There are many tilapia and bangus but what we want back are those native fishes,” Antazo said.
Interagency task force formed
To address the problem, an interagency task force was formed by the government, headed by the LLDA and the BFAR. The task force has launched various programs meant to address the impact of the knife-fish infestation in Laguna de Bay.
Among the measures are the buy-back
scheme, wherein the government will pay the fishermen P20 a kilo of
knife-fish they catch; cash-for-work program to fishermen and their
families who will help manually remove knife fish eggs from the lake to
control its population; livelihood programs through value-adding
training for communities on how to process food; and massive information
campaign about it being “edible” or “safe to eat” to popularize the
invasive fish species as food to promote its consumption.
While some of the strategies implemented
by the interagency task force appeared to have worked well on the
janitor fish infestation, it appeared to have failed on the knife fish.
The LLDA and BFAR are now considering the
use of an electrocution gadget to kill the eggs to control the
population and, eventually, eliminate the pesky fish from the lake.
LLDA General Manager Nereus O. Acosta
said electrocuting the eggs, which has been approved for use in fish
pens in a dialogue with various stakeholders conducted by the LLDA and
BFAR, is the fastest, safest and most efficient way of getting rid of
the knife fish. He said the electrocution gadget
will be target-specific and will attack only the fertility of the
knife-fish eggs in bamboo poles of fish pens where the eggs stick and
widely spread out. “No other eggs or fish will die in the process,” he said.
The gadget designed for the purpose will cover a very
small area, enough to electrocute the eggs without harming other fish
nearby. For now, he said electrocuting the eggs is seen as the fastest,
safest and most efficient way of controlling the knife fish’s population
and save other fish species from being extinct.
“There will be no letup in our campaign
to eradicate the knife fish. We assure the public that the LLDA and BFAR
and other stakeholders in Laguna de Bay are exerting all effort to
address the problem,” Acosta said.
IAS are species whose introduction or
spread outside their natural habitats threaten or cause the extinction
of another species, causing ecosystem imbalance and biodiversity loss.
Threat to biodiversity, food security
The Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD) considers IAS as the main direct driver in biodiversity loss
across the globe. It says that alien species that became invasive have
been estimated to cost the global economy hundreds of billions of
dollars each year.
The threat of IAS in the Philippines is more pronounced in the fisheries sector.
While the introduction of tilapia in the 1970s has boosted
the growth of the fisheries sector over the years, other invasive alien
species, introduced as a biological agent, such as janitor fish, to
help clean waterways, or by way of accident, have become a cause for
Director Theresa Mundita Lim of the
Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) said IAS are a serious threat to
the country’s biodiversity and food security, as they compete for food
and conquer new habitats, displacing other native species to the point
of extinction.
She said IAS might occur in any ecosystem, including forests, inland waters, such as lakes and rivers, and agricultural areas.
In some instances, species introduced
for food enhancement or as a biological agent to control other pests,
such as the golden apple snail, or more commonly called as golden kuhol, caused more harm than good.
Golden kuhol became a menace when its population became uncontrollable in the 1980s, destroying thousands of hectares of rice paddies.
Policies and processes vs IAS
Lim said national policies and processes
on invasive alien species are in place to prevent economic and
ecological losses. She said the National Biodiversity Strategy Action
Plan (NBSAP) recognizes the threat posed by IAS. On the other hand,
Republic Act 9147 provides for the conservation and protection of
wildlife resources and their habitats.
The law prohibits the introduction into
the country of exotic species, particularly into Protected Areas and Key
Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). She said the BMB has also developed a
protocol for the prevention, control and extinction of IAS.
Lim said the BMB is now more cautious in
allowing the importation of exotic animals for pets or hobby because of
their potential to become invasive species that may disrupt ecosystems,
particularly in inland water bodies, a primary source of food and water.
Besides BMB, the BFAR and Bureau of Plant
Industry (BPI) have their own set of guidelines to prevent the entry of
potential IAS. The BFAR regulates fisheries and other aquaculture
species, while BPI prevents the entry of plant species, including
fruits, grains and other plant-based products, for agriculture purposes.
Appeal to hobbyists
Lim has appealed to hobbyists to be
cautious in releasing their imported pets into the wild because of the
possibility that they may become aggressive and dominate other native
species in specific ecosystems, such as the knife fish in the Laguna de
“Once these invasive alien species start
to proliferate, they are very difficult to control because they might
have already replaced other species with important functions in the
ecosystem. It will require a deeper study before they could be
eradicated,” she said.
In his report published in the Philippine Journal of Science,
entitled “Impacts of Introduced Freshwater Fishes in the Philippines
(1905-2013): A Review and Recommendations,” academician and leading
fisheries expert Rafael Guerrero III of the National Academy of Science
and Technology (NAST) said based on existing records and observations,
62 freshwater fishes were introduced from 1905 to 2013 in the
Philippines for aquaculture (45 percent), ornamental purpose (42
percent), recreational fishing (6 percent), and mosquito control (6
He said that an evaluation showed that 48
(77 percent) of the fishes are beneficial, 10 (16 percent) are invasive
and four (6 percent) are potentially invasive.
Citing various studies, Guerrero identified the six invasive fishes as the “janitor fish” (Pterydoplicthys disjunctivus and P. pardalis), the “jaguar guapote” (Parachromis managuensis), the “clown featherback” (Chitala ornata), the “giant snakehead” (Channa micropeltes) and the “black-chinned tilapia” (Sarotherodon melanotheron).
The jaguar guapote, also called dugong, a piscivorous fish, compete for food and prey on smaller fishes in the Taal Lake. The clown featherback, locally called arowana, a native of Thailand, has invaded the Laguna de Bay in 2011. Like the knife fish, arowana preys on native fishes, including milkfish and tilapia.
The black-chinned tilapia, a native of Africa, was first observed by Guerrero also in Laguna de Bay in 2008. The
giant snakehead, locally known as the black mask, from Thailand also,
was reported to be present in the Pantabangan Reservoir in Nueva Ecija.
The BFAR has no record of the
introduction of most of these invasive fish species into the country,
Guerrero said. This indicates that the introduction of these invasive
fish species may have been accidental or done without the knowledge or
approval of concerned government agencies. “In terms of economic
benefits, the gains derived from the introduction of beneficial fishes,
particularly for culture and fisheries enhancement, are much more
compared to the economic losses due to the negative impacts of invasive
fishes,” Guerrero said.
However, he added that there are very limited studies pertaining to the ecological impacts of introduced freshwater fishes.
Need to improve regulations, processes
Guerrero said there is an urgent need to
improve the regulations and processes applied for the importation of
live fishes to prevent potential economic and ecological losses. Lim said the fact that species are replaced by another means disruption that may adversely cause ecological imbalance.
The Philippines is ailing from rapid loss
in biodiversity mainly because of hunting for food and illegal wildlife
trade, and pollution coupled by the massive destruction of forest and
coastal ecosystems. Some of the country’s unique and endemic floral and
faunal species are now gone, with many others in the brink of
Although not an entirely new threat to
the country’s biodiversity, invasive fish species are now making their
presence felt, threatening the country’s already vulnerable fish
biodiversity, invading inland water bodies, including rivers and, now,
the Laguna de Bay.
Image Credits: Pamalakaya Public Information Office