MAMBAJAO, Camiguin—Songs, dances and colorful costumes marked the
much-awaited announcement declaring Mounts Timpoong-Hibok-Hibok Natural
Monument (MTHNM) as an Asean Heritage Park (AHP) in this town on March
16. Leading
the recent declaration of Mounts Timpoong-Hibok-Hibok Natural Monument
as an Asean Heritage Park are (from left) Rep. Xavier Jesus Romualdo,
Environment Undersecretary Demetrio Ignacio, Asean Centre for
Biodiversity Executive Director Roberto Oliva, Camiguin Gov. Jurdin
Jesus Romualdo, Environment Regional Executive Director Ruth Tawantawan,
Camiguin Provincial Environment and Natural Resource Officer Merlyn
The Asean Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) led the launch of the MTHNM
as the 37th AHP during simple, yet festive, ceremonies that were
witnessed by various stakeholders at the Provincial Convention Center in
Mambajao, the capital town of Camiguin province.
“This moment is much-awaited. We are very excited and happy about
it. We are proud, because Mounts Timpoong and Hibok-Hibok are truly the
pride and honor of Camiguin. It will bring more prestige to the
province and its people,” Camiguin Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Officer (Penro) Merlyn Dumalahay said.
Officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) said the international recognition is a welcome development, and
reflects the people’s full support and cooperation in the efforts of
various stakeholders in protecting and conserving the MTHNM.
“Of course, we are very proud, because it means we succeeded in
protecting and conserving our biodiversity,” said Esther Olavides,
assistant regional director for management services. Forester Marilou
Clarete, chief of Conservation and Development Division, said, “The
challenge is to sustain the effort and further increase the awareness of
the people about the values of biodiversity.” The event was highlighted
by the presentation of the AHP Plaque of Declaration, followed by the
unveiling of the AHP marker in Sitio Itum in Mambajao town.
National and local officials, led by Environment Undersecretary for
Field Operations Demetrio Ignacio, provincial Gov. Jurdin Jesus D.
Romualdo and Mambajao Mayor Ma. Luisa D. Romualdo, were among the
event’s special guests. Students of Mambajao National High School perform an ethnic, interpretative dance dance called “Legend of Camiguin.”Philippines’ 8th AHP
LAWYER Roberto V. Oliva, ACB executive director, who presented the
plaque, said the MTHNM is the Philippines’s eighth AHP. The ACB is the
secretariat of the AHP program, which recognizes biologically rich
protected areas in the Asean region. Environment Secretary Ramon J.P.
Paje had announced last year the inclusion of the MTHNM on the list of
AHPs, after he attended the ministerial meeting of Asean in Hanoi,
Vietnam, in October 2015. The seven other AHPs in the Philippines are
the Mount Apo Natural Park, Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary,
Mounts Iglit-Baco National Park, Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park,
Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Mount Malindang Range Natural Park and
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park.
Oliva noted that the MTHNM is the only AHP in the Philippines
nominated by a local government unit. The ACB describes the declaration
of the MTHNM as an AHP as a recognition of “a biologically rich
protected area that preserves a complete spectrum of representative
ecosystems in the region.”
The MTHNM is the third AHP in Northern Mindanao. Mount Kitanglad
Range Natural Park was declared in 2009 and Mount Malindang Range
Natural Park was declared in 2011, both are situated in Northern
The MTHNM was proclaimed a protected area on March 9, 2004, through
Presidential Proclamation 570, under the category of natural monument,
pursuant to Republic Act 7586, or the National Integrated Protected
Areas System (Nipas) Act. High level of endemism and diverse flora and fauna
According to the DENR-Northern Mindanao, the MTHNM has a total of
strict protection zone of 2,227 hectares and buffer zone of 1,422
hectares. The park transcends the political boundaries of the towns of
Mahinog, Guinsiliban, Sagay, Catarman and Mambajao. It is basically
comprised of two mountains, namely, Mount Timpoong and Mount
Hibok-Hibok. It is managed and governed by 43 Protected Area Management
Board members.
The MTHNM has high level of endemism and diverse flora and fauna.
Among the endemic birds that can be found in the MTHNM are the Camiguin
hawk owl (Ninox leventisi), Camiguin hanging parrot (Loriculus
camiguenensis), yellowish bulbul (Ixos everetti catarmanensis) and the
golden yellow white-eye (Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis). The MTHNM
is the watershed that supports life in the whole island-province. It was
in 2014 that a nomination paper for it to be declared as AHP was
submitted to the ACB. Protecting biodiversity in Asean
An intergovernmental organization that facilitates cooperation and
coordination among 10 Asean member-states, the ACB is pitching calls to
strengthen cooperation for the protection of key biodiversity areas in
the region.
Oliva said to qualify as an AHP candidate, a protected area must be
backed by legislation. It should be also a key biodiversity area of
regional importance, with a strong protection mechanism already in
place. The ACB facilitates funding to boost biodiversity conservation in
AHPs through livelihood training and capacity-building projects.
Through the AHP program, the ACB also provides technical support and
facilitates sharing of best practices in protected-area management in
the region.
“The majestic MTHNM has a high ecotourism potential. One can go
trekking or simply enjoy the relaxing view of the mountains. It is also
an ideal site for scientific studies and research,” Oliva said. During
an Asean Conference on Biodiversity in Bangkok, Thailand, early this
year, Oliva called for increased investment in the region’s AHPs to
boost their ecotourism potentials while preserving the protected areas’
rich biodiversity.
The Northern Mindanao DENR office said the island-province of
Camiguin, “the island born of fire,” is one of the most beautiful
islands in the country. It is considered the second-smallest island by
area and population in the region, yet endowed with natural wonders,
such as lush forests, volcanic splendor, eternal springs, pristine
patches of black- and white-sand beaches, majestic waterfalls and unique
wildlife species.