Last Friday, members of the Caloocan-Malabon-Navotas-Valenzuela (CAMANAVA) Press Corps paid tribute to some of the great men who, one way or the other, made it to the headlines for their courage or heroism, for their performance as public official or for simply being just GREAT.
The event was held at the Valenzuela City Convention Center in Maysan, Valenzuela City.
It was truly a celebration of the greatness of a few as part of the 20-year anniversary celebration of one of the oldest media organizations in the country.
The four mayors in the area namely Caloocan City Mayor Enrico Echiverri, Valenzuela City Mayor Sherwin Gatchalian, Malabon Mayor Canuto Oreta and Navotas Mayor Tobias Tiangco were among the awardees for dedicating their life to serving their respective constituents.
Malabon Councilor Alfonso "Boyong" Manalac who earned the monicker Hoodlum Terminator as former Malabon policeman and later chief of police of Malabon was also among the awardees.
Police officials who did something great one time or the other were also recognized for their heroism.
Bishop Deogracias Yniquez of the Diocese of Caloocan, however, stands out among the rest. Aside from being a vocal critic of the government, the good bishop has provided his flock with spiritual guidance, always reminding them of their duty to God and country.
Bishop Yniquez is the Press Corps' Spiritual Adviser, aside from being an honorary member.
Another awardee who received thunder of applause from crowd that graced the ocassion is PO2 Rommel Habig of the Malabon Police. He handled the investigation of the killing of our colleague Dick Melendrez, a photo journalist covering the CAMANAVA area. Kuya Dick's killer was arrested, charged and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Here's what happened.
The mayor shakes hands with officers of the Press Corps after receiving his token as one of the CAMANAVA Greats!

Mayor Echiverri is flocked by CAMANAVA President Anthony Giron and Vice President Jimmy Olegario during break

The two mayors during reunion of sorts as they meet again, this time no longer as lawmakers, but local chief executives of their respective cities.
The only flower among the thorns is Marither Menia, whose support to the Press Corps and its members was also recognized during the awards night.
Alvin Feliciano poses for a snapshot with his certificate of recognition

PO2 Habig makes a proud pose together with his certificate as one of the CAMANAVA Greats!

Senior Supt. Orante, one of the awardees, shows his certificate of recognition to his colleagues
Valenzuela City Mayor Sherwin Gatchalian and Valenzuela City ABC President Alvin Feliciano talking before the program proper

Chow Time!
Boyong Manalac is all smile after receiving his certificate of recognition.
Last but not the least, Bishop Yniquez receives and shakes hand with yours truly after receiving his token. Truly, a CAMANAVA Great!